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Kimberly Kim - Rookie Blog One |
: support@lp…
날짜 : 11-05-11 23:11
: 14
http://www.lpga.com/entertainment_content.aspx?pid=28383 (10) | |
Hi everybody,
My name is Kimberly Kim. I know, I have a lot of nicknames. Kim-2, K-2, Kim Kim, etc. It's always difficult booking things over the phone, I confuse people. I have a lot of conversations that go, "what's your first name?" Kimberly. "What's your last name?" Kim. "No I'm asking for your last name..." That is my last name. My name is Kimberly Kim. "Oh, I'm so sorry." No, don't worry about it.
I like my name though - it's funny to me. :)
Let's see...my first blogging experience. :) Well, first I still can't believe I'm an LPGA Tour Rookie!! I started playing golf with my older sister when I was eight years old. We actually played almost every sport. She was way better than me, so of course I took no interest in something she could beat me at, which is why soccer became my favorite sport when I was younger. :) I wanted to be Mia Hamm, but after my sister broke her back and I broke my wrist for the 5th time, my mom put her foot down and I am thankful for that! If she didn't do that, I wouldn't be living a dream and playing golf as a career. So... when I was 13, golf got serious for me and I would've never thought by age 19 I'd be out on tour! I'm so lucky and blessed that I have such an awesome family, friends, and supporters, otherwise there is no chance I'd be where I am now.
So far, being a rookie has had its ups and downs. A down - the food is just way too good/amazing out on the LPGA Tour. I'm sure you have all heard of the freshman 15 in college... well, I think there should be a rookie 15 as well. Basically each week the food is everything you could ever want and wish for. Thank goodness for the gym. Other than that, rookie year has been awesome. :) I just got through playing my third event in Alabama. My performances thus far have not been as good as I'd like them to be, but I'll just have to persevere through it. Right now I'm back at my temporary home in Pueblo, Colorado. I just love Colorado - I love being outdoors, enjoying the nature, and enjoying the awesome music scene. I love going to concerts! This week there is a reggae festival in Denver, CO. That will be my day off this week. :) I really feel like golf is a full-time job and an awesome job, for sure. The weather here just got good enough to start playing golf (although right now I am basically hiding from the wind outside). The weather on the mainland (as I call it) never ceases to shock and scare me. I'm praying the weather holds up and is awesome at these next events.
I'm looking forward to the rest of the season and for all the places we'll be traveling. It's going to be one busy summer!!
Thanks for taking an interest in me,
Kim Kim
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