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  Jaclyn Sweeney - Rookie Blog Three
    : support@lp…     날짜 : 11-05-16 23:42     : 13 (10)
Right now I am on a plane heading from Casablanca, Morocco, back to JFK, New York City. I just completed my first Ladies European Tour Event (not including the Australian and New Zealand events) in Adagir, Morocco. My trip did not start off quiet right since my bags decided to stay an extra day in New York before being "rushed delivered" to the hotel the next day. - First lesson learned as a rookie: always pack some golf clothing in your carry on! Luckily, I packed a pair of shoes, hats, gloves, and a dozen golf balls - but no clubs! Hi everyone :) hope everyone is having a good start to May! Last time I wrote my rookie blog I had just gotten back from Morocco, since then I have played three events and done a junior clinic with the First Tee of Phoenix. Right now I am flying from Lisbon, Portugal to Munich, Germany. So I guess I will start with this past week and work my way backward to catch you all up to speed! This past week was the ISPS Portugal Open. First off, the views on this course were absolutely breathtaking! (See the picture from the 5th tee) However, in order to get to these breathtaking views you had to be billy goat. My poor dad caddied for me with my tour bag :( Let's just say he didn't need to go to the gym throughout the entire week. This past week was a huge learning experience for me. I had two full work days with my European sponsor Henderson Global Investors. We did everything from golf interviews, photo shoots, on course lessons, a clinic, filming for European news networks and promoting a new Henderson Global game. In addition, I played in my first pro-am with my sponsors. However, I learned what it is like to balance my time between my sponsor commitments and working on my game. I played a solid two rounds and a terrible third but was proud of myself for staying positive and committed during the round, things just did not work out. The week before Portugal I was in Antayala, Turkey for the Turkish Airlines Open. I was leading the event through 14 holes the first round and looked at the leader board and saw my name on top. Trust me this is something I will never forget! I was slightly shocked and excited. Sadly I was five over on my last four, but learned a lot about my game and how to handle having the lead in the future (hopefully many more times)! I ended up finishing tied for 14th, my highest finish as a rookie so far. I also got a great surprise in Turkey, I received the LPGA sponsor invite into the ShopRite Classic, I played there last year as an amateur in the Monday qualifier and missed by a shot, I am so excited to head back to the Atlantic City area! Even though now it seems like I have not been in the United States for awhile, my third event was the LPGA Avnet Classic. I Monday qualified for the event with a three under 69. I was very excited to get my very first start on the LPGA! I did not play as well as I would have liked but as everyone says everything in life happens for a reason, even though we all secretly wish it didn't sometimes! Although  I felt like I was more than ready for my first LPGA start I played to cautiously and tentatively in the first round, but everything is learning experience which will help me in my next start.  I am now heading into my fourth week on the road and I have to say I would like to wear some different outfits that I have sitting in my closet back home in Florida and I would love to see the playoffs for the NHL, GO BRUINS :) ! But this is what it is like to live the life you love, traveling and playing golf every day. I do miss home but luckily I have my dad with me to keep me company and my mom just joined

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